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Who we are

Academic excellence begins at Oaklawn

Who We Are

Oaklawn Academy is an international boarding school that strives to provide the most appropriate environment: facilities, programs and personnel, for the Integral Formation of young men as Christian leaders.

Our education is rooted in the living Catholic tradition of academic excellence, personal integrity, high moral standards and a spirit of service to others. It aims to offer to each student the key to his personal happiness and fulfillment in this life and the next, and it provides him with the means to be an active agent for improvement in whatever walk of life he chooses.

Our Mission

Oaklawn Academy implements the Integral Formation method of education.  Based upon the Christian view of the person, our mission of Integral Formation focuses on forming all dimensions of the young man’s personality:  intellectual, human, spiritual, and social conscience, achieving the complete or integral formation of the student.

To Teach

Each student by transmitting knowledge appropriate to each grade level.

To Educate

Each student to love authentic values and to develop a sense of what is good, right, noble, just, and beautiful.

To Form

The character of each student as the foundation of all virtue and integrity.


Oaklawn Academy was founded in 1984.  The first 28 students arrived in Cheshire, Connecticut where the Academy was originally established, sharing a building with the seminarians of the Legion of Christ.  In January of 1985, 20 more students joined the Spring Program, for a total of 48 students graduating the first year.  A group of similar size attended during the 1985-86 school year, still in Connecticut.

The growing demand for more space forced the Academy to look for larger and better facilities.  In 1986, Oaklawn Academy moved to Edgerton, Wisconsin, the site of our present campus.  The enrollment for the 1986-87 school year was 78.  In 1987-88 enrollment rapidly increased to 133 students.

In our 30+ years, five principals have led the Academy:

Br. Patrick Langan, LC:  1984-85 and 1985-86;  Fr. Eduardo de la Torre, LC:  1986-87 and 1987-88;  Mr. Eduardo Grandio:  1988-1998;   Mr. Javier Valenzuela:  1998-2015, P. Luis Felipe Rivera, LC:  Present.

The growing number of Oaklawn Academy Alumni currently totals 4,858.  The support of Alumni has helped to fund many of the Academy’s building improvements and facility upgrades over the years.

Our Story At A Glance.

1984 1984
1985 1985
1986 1986
1987 1987
2019 2019


Our academy was founded. The first 28 students arrived in Cheshire, Connecticut where the Academy was originally established, sharing a building with the seminarians of the Legion of Christ.


In January, 20 more students joined the Spring Program, for a total of 48 students graduating the first year.


Oaklawn Academy moved to Edgerton, Wisconsin, the site of our present campus.


In 1987-88 enrollment rapidly increased to 133 students.


In our 30+ years, five principals have led the Academy. Since 2015 Fr. Javier González, LC has been our principal.