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Sports Clinics

Apart from the enjoyment to be had in well-organized sports, Oaklawn Academy strives to ensure that its clinics offer more than healthy recreation. Well monitored sports activities increase the students’ self-confidence, ability to work in a team and willingness to accept and meet challenges.

The Importance of Athletics at Oaklawn Academy

Oaklawn Academy believes deeply in the importance of athletics as an integral part of the total education of mind and body. We therefore strive to ensure that sports clinics are recreational and formative.

In addition to developing a child’s body, well-monitored sports increase a boy’s self-confidence, his ability to work as a member of a team, his willingness to accept and meet challenges, and his desire for constant improvement: all essential elements in a man of character.

We commit considerable resources in time, effort and money to delivering the best sporting experience to our students that we can and we are always striving to improve this aspect of the academy.

The sporting year at Oaklawn Academy is broken into five clinic terms of 6-7 weeks each. Each boy chooses two sports to do each clinic term. At the beginning of each new term the boy has the opportunity to change clinics.  Qualified coaches work with the young athletes in sports including:












Cross Country

Oaklawn students can participate in organized competitions with area schools both home and away, competing in sports such as cross country, golf, soccer and basketball.  Oaklawn also participates in organized league soccer play.

Within the Academy, students help to organize and participate in the traditional “Oak Cup” “Oak Olympics” and “Peace Cup” tournaments.

Our facilities boast an indoor swimming pool, a newly renovated and improved weight room for conditioning, indoor archery lanes, games rooms and 2 gymnasiums, as well as a climbing wall, skating area, tennis courts and regulation size soccer fields outdoors.