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Discover adventures

Oaklawn students have opportunities to experience optional trips during the school year.


In October, the students are offered a 6-day Alaskan adventure to the Anchorage area. They will have an opportunity to visit a wildlife center, sea life center and a zoo, explore Alaskan culture museums, see sled dogs at their kennels, and witness the breathtaking beauty of the Alaskan scenery and mountains.

New York

In November, the students travel to New York City for 3 days, where they will visit St. Patricks Cathedral, Statue of Liberty, 9/11 Memorial, United Nations, Museum of Natural History, Central Park, and more.


During Holy Week and Easter Week, the students can enjoy a 12-day trip to Italy, which includes visits to the Vatican, the Coliseum and other beautiful places in Rome.  Other cities in the itinerary include Orvieto, Assisi, Siena, Florence, Pisa, Maranello, Venice, Milan and Maranello.  Being close to the Holy Father is one of the highlights of a year at Oaklawn Academy.
An optional 8-day trip to the Holy Land is available for students. This trip takes place during the Christmas break.

An optional 8-day trip to the Holy Land is available for students.  This trip takes place during the Christmas break.

Students also have the opportunity to participate in short trips later in the Spring.  Their participation is based on their academic excellence and their efforts to improve themselves in all aspects of their daily lives at the Academy.  Destinations of these short trips could include New England, Kentucky, and Minnesota.