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Spiritual Life

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Growing spiritually

The Integral Formation method of education aims to help each student fulfill the mission for which he was created, developing a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Christ becomes the ultimate motive for all the student’s choices and actions. The student’s intellectual and human growth moves closer to perfection through God’s grace and the student’s spiritual efforts. Spiritual formation is an ongoing process of conversion. The goal of the spiritual formation program is to help all the students develop an authentic spiritual life. Their thoughts and actions are influenced by a Christian view of the human person and of the world.

Apostolic formation enables the students to go into society to serve as Christian leaders and apostles, actively responding to the needs of the Church and humanity, creating a civilization of justice and love. Through serving others and a vibrant apostolic life, each student discovers Christ, becomes more like Christ and experiences His love more profoundly. The objective of apostolic formation is to develop in our students the heart of an apostle, a heart sensitive and responsive to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of others.

Within the context of spiritual formation, daily mass plays a key role in allowing for the necessary space for the student to grow spiritually. The student is introduced into the liturgy by means of brief homilies, hymns and following the mass with missals. Thus, active participation is highly encouraged so that each student may come to understand and enjoy the riches of this sacrament.

Praying together with their classmates, students take part in morning prayers, prayers at mealtimes and night time prayers each day.

A spiritual director is available to every student.

Students have opportunities for apostolate: through visits to nursing homes, donations and volunteer activities for charitable organizations.

First Friday’s are a morning of prayer where even extended Oaklawn family can submit their prayer concerns and students will pray over the intentions, as the boys have the opportunity to spend 10 minutes in front of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the morning.  This is followed by benediction at noon and then finishes with Mass.  All staff is invited to participate with the students.

The Annual Trip to Rome, Italy is a highlight of spiritual life for Oaklawn students.  Being close to the Holy Father and visiting the Vatican and all the history will enrich an Oaklawn graduate his entire lifetime.